CGPA Calculator for Anna University – Online CGPA/GPA calculator convert to a percentage
University CGPA calculator for calculating your GPA or CGPA from grade
scored in Anna university results. CGPA means CUMULATIVE GRADE POINT
AVERAGE. To calculate the percentage for particular semester, you need
GPA and to get over all percentile CGPA is used. How to calculate
GPA/CGPA is the big question raises in every student’s mind. Converting
grade points to CGPA is very easy, it has specific formula. In Anna
university we use simple mathematical formula for computing GPA for each
semester. In this post we use both GPA and CGPA, don’t get confused by
both terms. CGPA and GPA are clearly explained in line 2.
If you expect a simple and easy method to find CGPA then you need to use the CGPA Calculator.
How to calculate GPA for Anna University?
There are 2 ways to calculate GPA for Anna university. GPA (Grade Point Average) is the semester percentage which is calculated from the grade scored and credit assigned to particular subjects and expressed in point 10 scale.Step 1: Use Online CGPA calculator for Anna University.
CGPA Calculator is the best online CGPA/GPA calculator which was used by more than 5 Lakh students, that is almost every student use the GPA Calculator.
Check your CGPA now
Step 2: Calculate GPA Manually using formula.Online GPA calculator for Anna university
Online CGPA Calculator for Anna university
To calculate CGPA/GPA Anna university given simple formula, you can find it back side of your market or some time during result publishing.
Example: In Maths 1 your grade is A and credit point assigned to that subject is 4 (Check your syllabus for credit for any subject).
In Maths 1 your point is 36 (9*4). Likewise calculate your point for each subject and sum all subject points. Now calculate sum of credits and divide the sum of points with a sum of credits.
Still confusing?
Just use CGPA Calculator and finish it in few seconds.
How to Use Kinindia Online CGPA Calculator
Decide what you want to calculate now, CGPA or GPA?.To calculate GPA for this semester, use an Online GPA calculator to find percentage for this sem alone.
To calculate CGPA, Use online CGPA calculator to find percentage till this semester.Online GPA calculator
Benefits of using GPA/CGPA Calculator:Online CGPA Calculator
No need to type anything, Just select your Regulation, department and semester.
Then click Next to select your grade for each subject. No need to know your subject credits.
Click “Calculate your GPA”
Click Next to select your grade
Click to calculate your GPA to get a GPA for the selected semester.
Now your GPA will be displayed.
How to calculate CGPA/GPA
Calculating CGPA is very easy as we seen for GPA. But one thing you need to understand, the CGPA is not average of all GPA. The CGPA is calculated for all subjects you have cleared now. The best way is to use CGAP calculator.Once you see the CGPA calculator page you will understand it.
What to do if your department is not there or subject mismatch in our calculator?
We have given only for major departments, but we still have support for other departments like BE Biomedical engineering, Biotechnology, etc. For PG (MBA, MCA, ME) can choose others in the department.
- Select “Others” in the department.
- Select No.of subject.
- Enter Grade point and credit for that subject.
How to calculate CGPA to Percentage in Anna University
CGPA or GPA is given in point 10 scale so you can just multiply your CGPA by 10 to get a percentage.Example for cgpa to percentage calculator in Anna university – 8.5*10 = 85%
CGPA predictor for Anna University
What is CGPA predictor?CGPA predictor is the application used to predict what CGPA you will get this time. Every student will have some CGPA in mind and aims to achieve it. But the problem is you can’t easily calculate in mind because 99% fails to predict how much he need to score to increase his/her CGPA.
Before appearing for an exam every student should know how much minimum marks he need in each subject to maintain certain CGPA consistently.
You can use the same application used to calculate CGPA.
Anna University Results
Anna University exam results will be published in March for the exam conducted in Nov/Dec and for May/June exam, the result will be announced in August. Check your Anna university result from and use the online cgpa calculator.Some students confuse with how to calculate percentage from cgpa for Anna university. The best answer is just follow above procedure.
List of departments at Anna University
- Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
- Information Technology (IT)
- Electrical Engineering (EEE)
- Electronics and Electrical Engineering (EEE)
- Mechanical Engineering (MECH)
- Civil Engineering (CIVIL)
- Biomedical Engineering (BIO-MED)
- Biotechnology (BIOTECH)
- Chemical Engineering (CHEM)
For each semester (1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th and 8th final sem) we had given all subjects with course code and their credits. If you find any error in Anna university grade calculator comment below.
For other queries regarding SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) comment below.
Anna university cgpa to percentage
Anna university cgpa calculator for all semesters
Anna university GPA to percentage conversion
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